Photography by Toine IJsseldijk

Derived from the Balinese word kepung, meaning ‘chase’, Makepung is a traditional Balinese water buffalo race. These bull races are only held in Jembrana, in West Bali. “Lampit” is a traditional wooden plank pulled by a pair of water buffaloes, to flatten muddy wet fields. Once flattened the rice planting can start.
Makepung Lampit signifies the traditional gotong royong culture, whereby everyone is helping each other for the same communal purpose. Makepung Lampit symbolizes the community’s process in preparing for the rice planting season together.
Early last century Makepung Lampit was very popular, but the tradition had almost disappeared. Only the last few years the tourism authorities of Jembrana have revived the tradition, after decades of hiatus. Now once a year Makepung Lampit is held at the end of the dry season, on a straight race track of about 100 meters in a water filled field.
Another variation of Makepung is held during the latter half of the dry season, from July until mid-November. Races are then held on dry tracks through recently harvested rice fields. You can read and see more about this Makepung HERE, as well as the dates of all races.
For my most favourite photos of this event check out the GALLERY:  
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