Photography by Toine IJsseldijk

Gobi Desert

Mongolia, June – July 2019

Day 5 – 25 Jun: Khongoryn Els – Gobi Desert

Today we drove deeper into the Gobi Desert and we wanted to spend the night really in the middle of nowhere. Our host came along, as the Gobi Desert is no place you want to get stuck, or lost. The terrain is rough, with a lot of deep fine sand that even for our car could be too much to handle. Our host showed us around, to a small oasis where usually ground water was available, but not this dry season. He also showed us some spectacular rocks where eagles often nested. Eventually he guided us to a perfect camping spot, a little bit in a valley, covered against desert winds. We spend the afternoon playing cards and enjoy some local wodka; our host turned out a fast learner, and particularly how to cheat…! 
Click any of the photos for full screen view and to scroll through the gallery.
We had an excellent sleep, occasionally hearing wild camels “singing” to each other, as a form of communication. A sound I’ll not forget…
Next stop, Flaming Cliffs, locally known as Bayan-Zag.
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