High up in the mountains of Northeast Bali lies the ancient Batur caldera, with the active Batur volcano and Lake Batur. On the southeast shore of the lake lies Trunyan, one of three remaining traditional Bali Aga villages. The Bali Aga are the indigenous people of Bali and their culture pre-dates Hinduism.
The culture of each Bali Aga village is unique and in Trunyan one of the surviving ancient rituals is the Barong Brutuk, a ritual and sacred dance performed by the young bachelor men of the village. The young men wear a full-body dress of dried banana leaves, a wig of the black fibre of the sugar palm and an ancient mask made from a coconut. The Barong Brutuk ritual is performed during the Ngusaba Desa ceremony and the Odalan anniversary celebrations of the village temple.
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High up in the mountains of Northeast Bali, on the shore of lake Batur in the ancient Batur caldera lies Trunyan, one of three remaining traditional Bali Aga villages. The Bali Aga are the original Balinese and their culture pre-dates Hinduism, which came to Bali with the migration